We Accept Most Secure & Safe payments!

As you are aware that sale of Counterfeit products is not legal, credit card processors don’t allow the payments for replica watches . So, the payment for super clone or replica watches that we sell cannot be processed normally like any other product line. We don’t accept payments the same way every other normal product seller For e.g T-shirts seller on the internet accepts because we clearly mention that our products are replicas and due to that we cannot because the credit card payment processing wouldn’t integrate with something that are counterfeit of brand. We accept Bank Transfer & Crypto currencies. That is the only way to pay and accept payment for replica products. As a customer we expect co-operation and understanding in this aspect, we request you to be aware of what you are buying before judging us for our payment methods.

If you want smooth, fast & easy payment method, you can opt for Crypto Currency payments as we also offer discounts on orders paid with cryptos as it is smooth, secure & faster for our buyers and us.

If you reside in EU or Australia/New Zealand, Middle East then Binance is best crypto exchange to buy cryptos and send us. We prefer receiving Stable Coins whose values are stable and don’t fluctuate. These are coins that are used for purpose of payments & transactions. If you posses ETH, BTC etc that is also acceptable.

If you live in USA, then you can easily buy crypto currency like BTC using your cash app and send us. If you are new to it then don’t worry, our executives will guide you thoroughly once your order is received.

Note to those who wish to seek protection with credit Card:-

Are our payments secure? Yes. If by security you mean your card details and reliability of the payment company in getting the payment smoothly to us? Yes. If by protection you mean buyer protection, Answer is transparent NO. As you might not be aware that payment with buyer protection needs to be taken under the involvement of financial institution, if that would have been possible we would be taking credit card payments directly on our website at checkout like normal products. We deal in something which are clearly mentioned counterfeit on our website so that said no financial institution would integrate their company or take part is facilitating payments for products that are clone of original renowned brands. In General, it’s not possible for anyone to pay with credit card the same way you pay with credit card for other products that are not counterfeit. You can buy Cryptos using your credit card and send us.  If you are someone that is not ready to accept that pill then we strongly advise you should stop looking to shop replica products. These kind of products are for people who understand that world is not black & white and it has Grey Areas! The best bet for any customer given the scenario should be to stick to seller you feel comfortable with by checking their reviews from platform like trustpilot. There is no way that in this whole super clone industry you can pay with credit card & get buyer protection it’s not just us it’s same industry wide. For Some, it may be hard to accept the fact, but our duty is to be transparent about market standards and facts are facts. However, You can use your credit card to pay us using companies like wise but it doesn’t offer buyer protection or chargeback facility. It’s cash in advance credit card payment and on top of that there are additional fees charged by banks and intermediate companies. If there is a room in this industry for credit card payment that’s how it is done.



Why You Shouldn't be worried While Shopping With Us?

We understand our buyer’s perspective & concerns as well, we know that just words are not enough! Please checkout the video below giving an insight about our company. So far, we are very thankful to our customers who have unconditionally supported us. Also, Do checkout the reviews through the link below the video, Our reviews are managed by independent company like trustpilot, which stays neutral and fights fake reviews. Neither do we or the reviewers have control over trustpilot’s operation.